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BBC press release, 21 February 2001

BBC Offers New Communities Website

21 February 2001

The BBC announced today that it will launch www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2, a new community site from BBC New Media (on BBC ONLINE) designed to boost the BBC's existing work in building vibrant online communities, as part of its public service remit. The site will launch at the beginning of March 2001.

The new site results from the integration (without commercial references or links) of h2g2.com, the brainchild of Douglas Adams, creator of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - from which the h2g2 name is derived - after the BBC bought its content and software rights earlier in the year. The deal was proposed by h2g2.com following a long-term relationship with the BBC.

www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2 builds an online community where users can exchange ideas, comments and features on topics in which they have a shared interest. The sophisticated software involved permits exchanges and peer-to-peer reviews of user-generated content on an eclectic mix of subjects, creating a guide to 'life, the universe and everything'.

The BBC believes the new site will be a valuable Research & Development resource, helping its understanding of online communities at a time when it is increasing its efforts to create communities on the web, in line with the BBC's remit as a public service. It also presents an opportunity for the BBC to continue its long and successful relationship with Douglas Adams.

Ashley Highfield, Director of New Media, says: "The launch of www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2 represents a significant step towards 'engaging with' rather than 'broadcasting to' our consumers. As a key part of our public service offering in building communities on the web we want to ensure that we will offer something of interest to the diverse tastes of the UK's online community."

Douglas Adams added, "The BBC is where Hitchhiker's first started, and I am delighted - in the words of the hot new pop combo we've been hearing so much about recently - to get back to where I once belonged."

- ENDS -

#1 Front page, 25 January 2001
#2 FAQ, 25 January 2001
#3 h2g2chat, 25 January 2001
#4 BBC press release, 21 February 2001
#5 Welcome back, 13 March 2001

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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