Hullabaloo's Vogon Poetry

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A Vogon Love Song

I love thee as a thribbling sneeze

Flows free and frenting in the breeze,

I love thee as grotentious cheese

Invigorates the knees.

I love thee like a paragonfly

A thrargling broom, a larkling blish,

For thou art frode remarkably,

And all that one could wish.

Lo! When the suns fall from the hills

I mume most beauteously of you

And dream of never-ending thrills -

And swift potentious pairs of shoes

To take me to you, songwise, dargling in a dusking field,

Collecting ants and spiders for the finillating fire,

Because you're like the Soft Seductive Shardling Grune of Greele:

Most urgently to be desired.

I love thee like a manning tree,

A high gate or an oswestry,

I love thee like a filigree,

A coven tree, a flittrous bee,

A multicoloured butterfly vogon flea:

Deep in my throbtrous heart I fancy thee!

- see if I don't.

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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