360 - Changing the World by Degrees

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Latest news from 360 - Changing the World by Degrees.

When I started working for Richard Creasey on what would turn out to be 360 - Changing the World by Degrees, it never crossed my mind that one day work would include building a microlight aeroplane.

On Monday, I went down to Amesbury, near Salisbury, England, where the 360 microlight is being built. The goal is to finish it in 360 hours which, considering it usually takes months, is quite an endeavour.

Richard is spending the whole time down there working with the professional team and the rest of us are just calling in for a day here and there to help out.

AstroLion, who is building the shed/hangar for the plane to be housed in, came down with me (we both live in London) so he could measure up the dimensions (good thing he did because he realised that the shed has to be two foot higher than Richard had thought). He and I asked if there was anything we could do to help - and got ourselves the job of creating the plane's floor out of plywood.

We both thought 'I can't do that!' but didn't tell the other and relied on the other to know what to do... and we did it! Not much in the scheme of things, but it's great to think we made a contribution.

Back on the site itself, we now have videos of the build and, on Friday, we will have the second video of a suggested 'solution.' If you remember, the site is all about creating The 360 Book of Solutions to world problems. Our video producer, Sacha, who is also a freelance, has been filming loads about microlights and why they are perfect filming platforms for the site - and whatever TV programmes may come from it.

There's been plenty of traffic through the site in the last couple of weeks - and what is really encouraging is how the h2g2 community have taken to heart our wish that the site should be formed by you.

This Friday, Ashley and I will sit down and go through all the postings about how the editorial content should be laid out and we'll be a lot further down the line to the completed site.

Do log onto 360 - and let us know what you think. It's your site.



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14.02.02. Front Page

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