360 - Changing the World by Degrees

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Latest news from 360 - Changing the World by Degrees.

It's all change on 360 - Changing the World by Degrees. The site's been
re-jigged to make it easier to use and, although we're still only working
part time on it, we're getting there...

We've got our first project completed (the building of the microlight
aircraft in 360 hours). Really should have had the Guinness Book of Records
on that one as the guys concerned thought a micolight had never been built
that fast before.

The plane (which is a charming shade of what is known as Lambourghini Yellow
- but custard is just as good a name for it - won't actually fly for us for
about another month smiley - sadface as it has to be tested thoroughly by an inspector
in the air - and the inspector's too busy to do it until late March.

However, there are plenty of plans for it once we do get the go-ahead. We've
already been invited to fly to sunny Birmingham UK to take part in 'Your
Wake Up Call'
, a young people's conference on the environment organised by
the United Nations Education and Development Committee. About a hundred
young people aged eight to eighteen from the UK and all over Africa are
gathering to 'speak out on behalf of the planet' according to the blurb.

A group of these kids are planning to go to the Earth Summit in Johannesburg
in September - and we're planning to meet them there with the same custard
(sorry - Lamborghini yellow) microlight! Hopefully followed by some TV
cameras too. Negotiations in progress... watch this space.

On the site itself, we've got a load of suggestions for problems/solutions already which is great - and we've widened the remit a little so that it's
okay to post with a problem when you don't have a solution! Hopefully others
will come in with suggestions.

We've got representatives from WWF in Kenya, Unicef, the Television Trust
for the Environment - and the BBC's own foreign correspondent Jonathan
Charles who's willing to answer questions on resolving conflict from the
point of view of one who's seen the kind of atrocities out there -
Jonathan's worked in Chechnya, Maceconia, Serbia, Afghanistan etc. so he
knows what he's talking about.

There's also an 'All About Us' section which tells you who's working on 360
- and how to use it best.

Hope to see you there!


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