The Acrostic Poetry Challenge: Switch

1 Conversation

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The Acrostic Poem has been a long-standing challenge, mainly between B'Elana and PedanticBarSteward. However, we've decided to open up the idea to anyone who would like to take part, as a regular poetry challenge.

The word chosen each time is the Telegram Game's current word, so if you join in or subscribe to the telegram game you'll know as soon as it's announced. When you've completed your poem, submit it by posting to a new thread below, and we'll put the best of them together in the next issue.

Have fun!



Several buttons to press at her will
Will make spirits rise in my dear old friend lil.
I just wish she would pay a little more heed
To what she does when, and if there's a need.
Clearly, she thus often causes mayhem
However, we tend to forgive our gem.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

Dmitri Gheorgheni

So boring, this dreary old me,
What else might I want to be?
If I'm clever and frugal, or
Try searching on google for
Career openings that are free,
Here's to finding a new company.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro


Sitting and wondering where I should go,
Whether to change to what I don't know,
In desp'rate confusion life seems but a blur,
Terror at whatever next will occur,
Could it be better, or will it be worse,
Hope for the best, but a probable curse.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro


Sitting on the wall
Will I turn at all?
In the dark and dusk
Turn me on, you must
Covered, I'm not bright
Help you out each night

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

Acrostic Poems Archive

Bel, Dmitri Gheorgheni,

PedanticBarSteward and outofhertinymind

13.09.10 Front Page

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