Seed's End Hotel

2 Conversations

Welcome to the Seed's End Hotel

A beach

Located on top of a tall, cat-proof pole, on the grounds of the Haunted Castle, the Seed's End Hotel is a beautiful birdhouse. Neon lights decorate the roof, with a neon light sign. This multi-roomed birdhouse comes with several beds in each room. Each room also comes with its own birdbath, and the cielings are decorated with either glass cielings or artificial night sky with stars.(The rooms with glass cielings cost a little extra, but they're well worth it.)

A free breakfast is provided for any guests, and we have a pool, a delux birdbath, a hot tub, a garden and balconies with a view of the Haunted Castle.

Just stop by the office, or start a conversation and claim your room.smiley -

For Birds and small creatures, this is the perfect home away from home.

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