360 - Changing the World by Degrees

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Latest news from 360 -
Changing the World by Degrees

The idea behind 360 (as you all know by now)is to try and find solutions to
the world's problems. Since we went live in February, these have ranged from
how to sort out a shed for the site's microlight aeroplane to a plan to take
health care to Madagascar.

The microlight, by the way, is now, finally, being tested and has, to our
complete disbelief, demonstrated that it does, actually, fly.

This disbelief was fuelled by the fact that quite a lot of it was built by
Richard who is the kind of man you wouldn't have trusted with a box of
matches beforehand - but who has turned out to be quite a handyman... Ashley,
Sam, AstroLion and Maggy all helped with bits and pieces and they
all appear to have stayed stuck together.

You can see Tweety-Pie - sorry, the microlight, and its first flight here. Pretty soon it will be living at Plaistows airfield where Richard
and AstroLion have almost completed the shed. It has the roof up now and
only requires doors. Then, once it's in-situ we will be filming for 360.
That's when the camera we've ordered finally shows up of course...

Some of the other developments may not be for the fainthearted. The Holistic
section appears to enjoy going into things in depth... the
kind of things you might not want to look at even on the surface. The Rites
of Passage
discussion is currently covering puberty, blood rituals and
circumcision. Feel free to wade in... no, not the correct analagy at

Elsewhere, we are looking at 'Saving the World from your Living Room' which
has come up with some spankingly good ideas - and a bit of a rant about the
cost of ecological washing powder, how to combat desertification
with cacti which can be eaten and enjoyed and the positive
environmental effects of stone quarrying.

There also seems to be a rather worrying series of conversations on the best
way to eat a beagle on the Spirituality and Chocolate thread.


Changing The World By Degrees Archive

18.07.02 Front Page

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