The Autumn Scottish meetup 2002

4 Conversations

Scottish Autumn Meet Up (Round About 1)*

Date: Saturday 26th October 2002.

Place: Glasgow.

Wot we doing then? The plan is to meet up in George Square* under the central column round about 1:00 pm*. If the weather is rubbish (in Glasgow in October? Surely not...) then people will probably meet in the Counting House*. If you turn up early there will almost certainly be people in the Counting House.

From George Square we'll wander over to Central Station and get the low-level train to the Exhibition center station, and thence from there to the Exhibition Centre and over the Clyde to the GSC. We are aiming to get there by between 1:30 and 2:00. If there are more than 10 of us we should be able to get a group discount, which comes out at £3.50 each. Note that the GSC has a car park (which appears to be free) if you want to drive there directly.

The pub for the evening is Waxy O'Connors. There should be people there from 7:00 at the latest, and probably earlier. If someone gets there early try and grab an empty room smiley - I think we can probably improvise from there smiley -

Directions etc.

George Square, 1 pm. Just South of Queen Street Station. It's a big open square painted red. Meet in the center (at the really tall thing). or...

The Counting House (in case of bad weather). Main entrance on St Vincent Place*, or side entrance from West side of George Square. You will have to hunt around for people, its a pretty large place.

Glasgow Science Centre, 1:30 - 2:00 pm. On the south side of the Clyde, opposite the Scottish Exhibition Centre. See the website for directions.

Waxy O'Connors, 46 West George St*, probably any time between 5 and 7. Oirish pub with a labyrinthine interior. Hopefully we can get one of the side rooms.

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