Accessing Conversations With An Out-Of-Memory Digibox...

3 Conversations

"Because Keeping Unplugging The Machine Is Not An Acceptable Solution Anymore..."

It is very frustrating and rather useless anyway if the digibox keeps sending messages indicating a typical lack of memory...

smiley - bubblyThere is one solution tho' and even so it's not a perfect one, it sure beats the unnecessary unplugging exercise:

smiley - coolWhen your machine refuses to access the conversations, either because there are too many messages or for no reason at all, follow these easy steps:

smiley - disco Type 360 in the top "search box"...

smiley - discoClick on "360 Homepage"(it should be the first on the list)...

smiley - discoLook at the left-hand side of the screen and click on "my space"...

smiley - discoLook down the page (it should be your page as seen in 360) for "most recent conversations"...

smiley - discoClick on the conversation you want to access and... "loup is your uncle!".

A bottle of Champagnesmiley - bubblyIt works even better if your "preferences" are set on "frames" instead of "single pages"...

smiley - coolThis solution was based on the basis that as the impossibility to access the conversations at times is due to a lack of memory from the digibox, going through 360 will use less memory and provide us, at the same time, with a priceless "back door"...

smiley - bubblyThis tip should definitely make digibox users' life on H2G2 a lot more comfortable.
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