Keystone Corner

1 Conversation

Time may fly, but are we having fun?

It might seem obvious to you sitting on the other side of the screen reading this column, but there's always something of a shock when I realize that Shazz is waiting for me to send this week's Keystone Corner.

Yes, I know The Post is published weekly. It's just that I don't fully appreciate how quickly a week goes by until I look at the calendar and realize that I've got another one due.

On top of that, two of those seven days I was at home with a fever and cold. But does that stop me from getting my work done? Of course not1.

A fever and a cold - isn't it odd that one implies heat while the other doesn't? Actually, it pretty well describes my condition Monday and Tuesday - sweaty and hot one minute and shivering and freezing the next. Blech!

I'm not going to bore you with the details of my condition - much. I did what I always do when I'm ill. I slept. This time for nearly 36 straight hours. It's amazing what sleep does for a body. When I awoke late Tuesday afternoon, I felt much better. Of course, failing to shave or shower in that time period caused me to look a bit like Rip VanWinkle, which frightened the wife and children a bit, but they've since recovered from the shock2.

Where was I?

Ah yes, I was talking about time.

What you hadn't noticed?

During my tenure at a couple of small weekly newspapers, we had the same problem that I'm now having with writing this week's column - the fact that time does indeed march on. And that as soon as one week's edition is completed, it's time to start working (or at least thinking) about the next one. Isn't that right Shazz?3

So to show you in brief how much can happen in seven days, here's a list of some pretty major events that have taken place since the last edition of The Post hit the electronic newsstand:

  • Pakistan and India test medium-range ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads - Is it just me or is the world getting crazier every week?

  • A sniper is apparently randomly shooting people in the suburbs of Washington, DC - Is it just me or is the US getting crazier every week?

  • The two candidates for Pennsylvania's governor are running commercials on television talking about their opponent's commercials on television - Is it just me or is this state getting crazier every week?

  • A local school is closed due to a bomb threat and explosives-sniffing dogs are searching the building - Is it just me or is my local area getting crazier every week?


It's enough to make me want to go back to bed...

Jimi X

10.10.02 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Though if this week I'm rambling more than others, I'm blaming the decongestants!2OK, they made me bathe and shave before rejoining polite society.3Indeed it is!... Shazz

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