Home-made Lemon Curd

2 Conversations


I have decided to add homemade Lemon Curd to whatever this place is called.
Homemade, without any scientific bits, is always much tastier - but don't leave it too long -
it can only stay on the shelf for a month, due to lack of preservatives, of course.
If you make enough jars you can always give some to your friends!


  • 3 eggs
  • 3 oz butter
  • 8 oz sugar
  • Rind and juice of 2 lemons
  • Method

    Whisk the eggs and put into a basin with the butter, sugar, finely-grated lemon rind and the juice.

    Place the basin over a pan of boiling water, stir, until the mixture is thick and smooth.

    Pour into clean, warm jars and cover.

    NB: Yummy, yummy says my tummy - slurp!

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