Willem's Fantasy Fauna and Flora: Phantom Nightmonkeys

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Our resident artistic genius, that Einstein of the paintbrush, h2g2's answer to John James Audubon, has gone galactic.

Willem's promised to let us in on some of the fascinating fantasy creatures he's invented.

Gaze your fill upon. . .

Phantom Nightmonkeys

Artist's notes:

The monkeys and the Ogahapps inhabit the Kingdom of Solkayis, the wild forests to the north of the capital city of Beiminskau and west of the Sea of Irkania. Here's a bit I said about the monkeys (changed slightly):

Some of the trees in those forests have delicious sap, but it only gets delicious when they are big and thick-barked. . . for protection when they're still saplings they have truly noxious sap. When they become big the sap becomes sweet, and then the thick bark around the trunk protects them. But there are phantom nightmonkeys in the forest as well, and they gnaw at the smaller branches higher up which don't have bark that's as thick. And they drink the sweet sap. But sometimes after they're finished, some of the sap will keep dripping down . The monkeys are nocturnal and the Ogahapps diurnal, but they will sometimes in the early morning meet each other, and the Ogahapps will go to where the monkeys had been feeding where there will sometimes be coagulated pools of tree sap, and they'll eat those!

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