Queen of the Wight - Isabella de Fortibus

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One of the most powerful and influential people ever to live on the Isle of Wight was a woman still commonly called the Queen of the Wight. This honoured title does not refer to Queen Victoria, who lived in Osborne House in East Cowes. Nor does it mean her daughter Princess Beatrice, Governor of the Isle of Wight 1896-1944. Nor even Queen Eleanor, wife of Henry II, who was imprisoned in Quarr Abbey and said to be buried beneath in a golden coffin1. Instead it refers to Isabella de Fortibus, the last of the de Redvers family, rulers of the Isle of Wight between 1100-1293.

The de Redvers

Following the Norman Conquest, the Isle of Wight regained a degree of independence after Henry I seized the throne of England after his brother, William II Rufus, had been killed in an act of God. He gave his loyal ally, Richard de Redvers the lordship of the Isle of Wight in 1100, to rule 'as freely as the King himself held the realm of England'. The Island was an autonomous fiefdom; the Island's nobles owed loyalty to the de Redvers family, who were the Lords of the Island. The de Redvers family were subjects of the king of England, through their possessions in Christchurch and later Devon, but on the Isle of Wight they ruled supreme.

More importantly, they ruled well. They allowed the Island's towns and villages to grow, founding the towns of Newport, now the Island's capital and Yarmouth2. They imported rabbits from Spain, which as they had no natural predators on the Island, coneys became a much-valued food source, traded as far away as London. Fish farms and water mills were developed, new agricultural methods and salt farms were introduced and the Island enjoyed a period of prosperity largely isolated from the trouble ravaging the mainland. The efficient agricultural system that the de Redvers were able to establish would change little before the 19th Century.

In 1107 Richard de Redvers was succeeded by his son Baldwin, who remained loyal to King Henry I's daughter Matilda during the Anarchy. The throne of England was seized by King Stephen, resulting in a civil war between Stephen and Matilda. For the only time in the de Redvers rule the Island became involved in English politics3. In 1136 the forces of King Stephen lay siege at Carisbrooke Castle and Baldwin de Redvers surrendered when the castle's only well in the shell keep ran dry4. His loyalty to Matilda's cause was rewarded, however. On the death of King Stephen, Matilda's son Henry became Henry II, granted the de Redvers with the Duchy of Devonshire.

For almost 200 years the de Redvers family ruled the Isle of Wight. In 1262 Baldwin de Redvers, 8th Earl of Devon, died childless having been poisoned by his brother-in-law. His sister, the widow Isabella de Fortibus inherited.

Isabella de Fortibus

Isabella de Fortibus was born in 1237, the daughter of Baldwin III, ninth Lord of the Wight, and Amicia de Clare. She married William de Fortibus, a wealthy northern aristocrat with lands in Cumberland and Yorkshire, while still in her teens and had four children; two sons, Thomas and William, and two daughters, Aveline and Cecilia. Her husband died in 1260 when she was only 23, and Isabella inherited his land, wealth and titles.

Isabella's father had also died, and her brother, Baldwin IV, tenth Lord of the Wight and Margaret of Savoy's second husband, had inherited the Isle of Wight. However England was again facing a potential threat; Simon de Montfort and many nobles threatened the weak Henry III. Baldwin de Redvers supported Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester, who was attempting to maintain peace, however both Baldwin and Gloucester were fatally poisoned by Baldwin's brother-in-law in 1262. As Baldwin died childless, Isabella inherited much of her brother's estate, becoming Duchess of Devonshire, Countess of Albermarle5, Lord of the Wight and commonly called the Island's 'Queen' at the age of 25, although her brother's castle at Christchurch was inherited by his widow. She was the richest woman in England, a country which had not yet been ruled by a queen unchallenged at a time when woman's role was largely limited to being either a wife, daughter or nun.

On the Isle of Wight she had more power than the King of England and ruled in all but name as Queen of the Isle of Wight. She renovated and restored Carisbrooke Castle, where she had the first glass windows in the British Isles installed, a vast fish tank, kitchens, Great Hall and stables and lived there in comfort from 1269.

King Edward I, Hammer of the Scots, was jealous of her wealth and power, especially her ownership of the Isle of Wight. He repeatedly attempted to buy the lordship of the Isle of Wight from her, but Isabella de Fortibus consistently refused. Edward I was determined to rule the whole of the British Isles, later building a ring of castles with which to subdue Wales as well as campaigning against Scotland. In 1281, Edward I summoned Isabella to court, asking her to prove what right she had to rule the Isle of Wight, control its legal system, claim wreck of the sea and taxation. Despite the biased court being against her, Isabella triumphed. Frustrated and still determined to gain possession of the Island, Edward turned his attentions to easier prey; in 1284 he confiscated the Bishop of Winchester's property on the Isle of Wight. This included the town of Newtown, then known as Francheville, meaning 'Free town', as well as property at Swainston, Calbourne, Brighstone and Binstead. Edward also fined the bishop of Winchester 4,000 marks for the privilege.

Isabella did allow her daughter, Aveline, to marry Edward I's younger brother Edmund Crouchback, Earl of Lancaster and King of Sicily, the second son of Henry III in 1270. Sadly, however, all of Isabella's children died young. Two survived into their teens. Her son Thomas died at the age of 16 in 1269, and her eldest daughter Aveline died in 1274 at the age of 15, four years into her marriage. She had no close relatives left, other than her sister-in-law Maragret of Savoy, who died in 1292 leaving Isabella her lands including Christchurch Castle.

In 1293 Isabella, now 56, was again asked by Edward to sell the Isle of Wight at Easter, but once again refused. Over the summer her health deteriorated, and she chose to make a pilgrimage to Canterbury. On her return she travelled via her house in Stockwell, terminally ill. When King Edward I heard that Isabella was on her deathbed, he ordered three men to travel directly to her house – the bishops of Durham, Coventry and Lichfield. They had one important task – to persuade Isabella to sign a charter selling Edward the Isle of Wight at any cost, failure was not an option.

The Death of Isabella

The Bishops were admitted, alone, to her room and were the only witnesses to Isabella's alleged last act made in the very instant of her death - agreeing to sell the Isle of Wight to Edward I for the pitiful sum of 6,000 marks. Which Edward, as Isabella's heir, promptly inherited back, along with the lordship of the Isle of Wight.

Although Isabella did not actually sign the charter granting the Isle of Wight to King Edward, she did apparently in her dying moments touch the Bishop of Durham's gloves. As the Bishop of Durham had been holding the Charter, the King declared that this gesture could only possibly be interpreted to mean that Isabella was agreeing to sell him the Isle of Wight for 6,000 marks and was declaring him her heir.

In 1296, shortly after his confiscation of the Isle of Wight, Edward declared war on France and Scotland. He demanded that the Island's knights come to Scotland, to fight for him in one of his attempts to hammer Scotland that he was famous for. The Island's knights all refused, stating that they were not bound to the King's service beyond the Solent. Perhaps as a consequence of this defiance, it was not until 1584 that the Isle of Wight was represented in Parliament.

1In fact her tomb is in Fontevraud Abbey, France.2Yarmouth is now the smallest town in Great Britain, a fifth of the size of the neighbouring village of Freshwater. Towns differ from villages as they have been granted a charter which allows them the rights to hold regular markets, appoint a mayor and construct a town hall.3Although local legends say that after being forced to sign the Magna Carta, King John fled from England to the Isle of Wight in 1215, hiding on the Island among the fishermen for 3 months in the area now known as King's Quay.4Since then, Carisbrooke Castle has had a second, deeper, donkey-powered well.5The county of Aumale was in Normandy.

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