The Post Quiz: Summer Holiday Fun - Answers

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Time to put on your thinking caps.

Summer Holiday Fun: Answers

Scuba diving - an alternative holiday?

Did you know what they do for fun around the world?

If you didn't, you'll want to read up in the Edited Guide. The links are provided for you.

  1. How do Norwegians make Pentecost special? By taking Monday off, too.
  2. What dance, familiar to Nobel Prize Winners, is performed at Swedish midsummer maypole ceremonies? The Dance of the Little Green Frogs.
  3. What do people in the Peak District of the UK do to their wells in the summer? They dress them up.
  4. What kinds of performances fill the streets of Edmonton, Alberta, during the summer months? Jazz, street musicians, folk and arts festivals.
  5. What objet d'art in Collinsville, Illinois celebrates its birthday in style every summer? The world's largest catsup bottle.
  6. If you went to a Kirmes in Düsseldorf, what would you find? Rides, food, and beer. (It's a funfair.)
  7. Why are people looking up in the sky in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, every July? They're attending AirVenture, an air show.
  8. What can you see from the open-top bus in Cleethorpes, UK? A Lovely ocean view.
  9. Where do you want to be to see the sun rise over the Heel Stone on Midsummer's Day? Stonehenge, of course. (Tinfoil sun hat optional.)
  10. At what appropriate patriotic venue in the US can children who visit take sculpting lessons? Mount Rushmore. Extra points for getting Teddy Roosevelt's glasses right.

No matter what you like to do, you're sure to find something in our Guide. Didn't see your favourite attraction? Why not write it up for us? Or send your holiday reports to the h2g2 Post.

Peak District Well Dressing depicting the Passover
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