NaJoPoMo 2013 Pebblederook

30 Conversations

I watch a lot of dvd’s and video’s especially ElizaJacobean drama. So for the next thirty days I thought I might watch one item a day and record any thoughts, criticisms, related ideas and general chatter that may result.

I will include some well known and some lesser known Shakespeare plays; plays by Shakespeare’s contemporaries; biographies, some scholarly, some semi fictional, and a few totally fictional; and some popular adaptations. Five of the productions I have saved up especially for this month and so will be watching for the first time.

The intention is not to describe the plots of the plays or engage in in-depth critical reviews (which I am not any good at) though I might describe what I have watched, briefly explaining the plot where necessary, so that there is a context for what follows.

Or then again I might not.

Anyone interested in following up the plays can find excellent introductory material on Wikipedia for all the works, and various views on film and television productions at

I should have no problem waffling on a daily basis as I am retired, living alone, and spend most of my time watching and reading about Shakespeare and related subjects, like Dr Who and Arsenal football club. My biggest problem will be actually finding everyone else's journals and making mine visible. Normally I work in Pliny (I don't know what that means, I just know I do it) but having discovered that other people's links are invisible, I have switched to Brunel for this month. I don't know if this makes any difference.

This is the link page for my entries in the above challenge (ignoring for the moment that the links don't work in Pliny so you will have to look out for them in the conversation list below). A challenge more for the reader than the writer! I will create each day's journal as a conversation. All insults will be received with a grace commensurate with their elegance.

November 1

Coriolanus (2011) A film directed by and starring Ralph Fiennes F22138217?thread=8305297

November 2

A Waste of Shame: The mystery of Will and the sonnets F22138217?thread=8305347

November 3
Anthony and Cleopatra: a World too Wide F22138217?thread=8305385

November 4

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, probably. F22138217?thread=8305439

November 5

Play it, Sam. Henry V at the Globe. F22138217?thread=8305477

November 6

The Duchess of Malfi:Sex, Murder, Lycanthropy and a Cardinal F22138217?thread=8305516

November 7
Much Ado About Someone Called Buffy? F22138217?thread=8305551

November 8
Shakespeare; the truth, the lies, and some good bits too F22138217?thread=8305593

November 9
Don't put your daughter on the stage Mrs Pericles F22138217?thread=8305624

November 10
Kit Marlowe: Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to be F22138217?thread=8305675

November 11
Anonymous: or A Comedy of Errors F22138217?thread=8305723

November 12
Late at night when you're sleeping, poison ivy comes a creepin' F22138217?thread=8305764

November 13
It's a Revenge Match F22138217?thread=8305791

November 14
King Lear; Socialist Manifesto (Only kidding) F22138217?thread=8305824

November 15
Cast your coloured nightie off F22138217?thread= 8305859

November 16
Boys will be boys, or girls, or even vice versa F22138217?thread= 8305894

November 17
Kiss me Kate, if that's OK with you and the Sexual Harrassment legislation. F22138217?thread= 8305935

November 18
Is Statue Hermione? Hey Nonny Nonny .......naah F22138217?thread= 8305968

November 19
All The World's a Stage, filled with ham actors if I'm anything to go by F22138217?thread= 8306005

November 20
Somewhere there's a place for us but I've lost the address F22138217?thread= 8306042

November 21
Can Blue men sing the Whites or are they Hypocrites for going whoo F22138217?thread= 8306081

November 22
Love, a many splendoured thing: unlike this journal F22138217?thread= 8306113

November 23
Eddies in the space time continuum, I hope he is behaving himself F22138217?thread= 8306137

November 24
Warning: Always read the small print before you sign up F22138217?thread= 8306170

November 25
Songs, laughter, love, obsessions and flatulence F22138217?thread=8306206

November 26
“When the legend becomes fact, print the legend” F22138217?thread=8306260

November 27
‘Carry On But Don't Lose Your Head Up the Haven’ F22138217?thread=8306294

November 28
It's All Getting a Bit Personal and Some Good Advice F22138217?thread=8306317

November 29
The key is pre warming the cauldron and always using fresh ingredients F22138217?thread=8306357

November 30
For mine own part, it was Greek to me F22138217?thread=8306384

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