Narlesha the Dragonslayer: Part 3

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Narlesha the Dragonslayer

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Part Three

Narlesha bedungs herself.

"Narlesha was now quivering like a poplar forest in an earthquake, but held her ground and maintained her wits. When the fear left her, she made the decision. She knew as much as she needed to, and would go through with the final part of the plan.

"She donned her armour, took up her sword, and headed for the forest where she'd stashed the bag of dragon dung. Steeling herself mightily, she rubbed dung all over herself. Considering the vileness of dragon dung, I hope that if you believe she was brave enough to do this, you would believe she was brave enough for the rest of what she did. Next, she pronounced the spell that would turn her invisible. Now she was imperceptible to Vigoyorr by sight and by smell!

Narlesha enters the lair.

"Thus she snuck up to the lair as silently as possible. Just outside the entrance she hesitated. She could hear the rumbling of the beast and the clinking of gold and jewels … he was still inspecting and gloating over his treasure. She mouthed a silent prayer with invisible lips, then rushed inside!

Narlesha stabs the dragon.

"Vigoyorr heard something, but couldn't see or smell anything, which confused him. Narlesha needed nothing more than this brief moment of confusion. She charged, pointing her sword straight ahead. As Vigoyorr straightened up, sniffing and looking this way and that, he exposed his underside. She rapidly reviewed what she had learnt of dragon anatomy … being careful not to puncture his fire organs, but to get as close to his heart as possible. She aimed at a joint between two plates below Vigoyorr's left armpit … and the sword's tip went in! Using the full momentum of her body, she rammed in the blade up to the hilt.

"The great dragon thrashed, roared and spewed fire! Narlesha was thrown backwards. The heat was stupefying, and her magical armour just barely protected her. Unharmed, she got up again. She was beyond fear now. Disconnectedly she watched the huge monster thrashing and flailing. Did the blade penetrate deep enough, puncturing the beast's great heart? Indeed it did. The wound was fatal, and the dragon's steaming, stinking blood poured out. The danger now was from the noxious fumes that were filling the lair, but Narlesha only backed away a distance, not being able to avert her eyes from the dragon’s death throes."

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