The Post Quiz: Counting the Righteous - Answers

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These people deserve to be more famous. Any moviemakers out there?

Counting the Righteous: Answers

How many of these people did you know? If you did, it's probably because you've seen the movies about Anne Frank (and Miep Gies), Oskar Schindler, and Giorgio Perlasca. All of them did something much more worthy of notice than, say, win a b-ball tournament. Maybe the reason they don't get more attention is because, unlike athletes, their accomplishments may make some people uncomfortable. Note: all of these people are listed as Righteous because somebody whose life they saved asked for them to be recognised at Yad Vashem.

The Mishnah says, 'Whosoever saves a single life, saves an entire universe.' We think these things should be better known.

Here are the Righteous and what they did.

  1. Giorgio Perlasca
  2. Miep Gies
  3. Traian Popovici
  4. Knud Marstrand Christiansen
  5. Oskar Schindler
  6. Stanislaw and Regina Swida
  7. Ashkhen Agopyan
  8. Piet Adrian Meerburg
  9. Gennady Safonov
  10. Erzsebet Fajo
  1. Saved people in Budapest by pretending to be the Spanish ambassador.
  2. Hid Anne Frank in an attic.
  3. Refused to build a ghetto in Romania, saved 20,000.
  4. Rowed people to safety in his Olympic boat.
  5. Ran a factory that saved people.
  6. Pretended their foster child was Muslim in occupied Warsaw.
  7. Saved her Jewish neighbours in an Odessa apartment house.
  8. Organised students to hide Jewish children in the Netherlands. (Some posed as 'unwed mothers'.)
  9. Hid refugees in his Russian partisan camp near Vilnius.
  10. Took her Hungarian nanny job so seriously that she saved the entire family.

Want to know more of these stories? Look them up. (Then write a Guide Entry about these heroic folk.)

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