The h2g2 Post 12.09.16

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 12th September 2016

Is It Just Us, or Is the World Getting Weirder?

A mushroom in a swimming pool. …we mean, first of all, there's politics. No, let's don't even think about this year's elections and referenda. We are sorry we brought them up, and promise not to mention them again this week.

But there's this mushroom. Well, okay, all the best pools have them these days. We've seen a couple, and they're cool. The one on the page was from our farewell-to-summer swimming day with the kids. They're not too sad, though, because school has started, and they're having a lot of fun, what with clubs and new friends and band practice and football (yes, real footie, not that Yank stuff) and so much to do that we wonder sneakily if any reading, writing, or 'rithmetic is actually going on…

How's your September shaping up? Our contributors are busy these days. Willem's planting for African spring, but he takes time out to send us this intriguing spoonbill. FWR has been inspired this week: not only has he sent us his brilliant philosophical musings, but his cats have been at it again. We're thinking of making this a regular feature, called 'What the h2g2 Cat Dragged In'. Let us know what you think.

This week, Awix gave up waiting for Jason Statham and went to see that chariot race. He'll tell you all about it. Personally, I can hear the ghost of Robert Ingersoll shouting, 'I refuse to apologise for yet another Ben Hur remake!' I take issue with Awix on one point, though: I have been hating on Charlton Heston from a very early age, when I was forced to watch the Red Sea part from the back seat of a 1957 Chevrolet. Somehow, my immediate thought was, 'That man doesn't look anything like Moses!' But we thank Awix for this timely review: now we don't have to go and watch the film.

Weird things are definitely going on everywhere. They've found a habitable (?) planet in the Prox System. The Editor's loom knitting projects appear to be taking over various fictional spaces. Not my fault, I swear: I am being mocked by the artist. Speaking of artists, ours is inspired by dead birds…what does it all mean?

What it probably means is that you'll have to keep reading. And commenting. And writing. Remember: Create has a great topic this month, they need YOU! And send us more Stuff, or you get kitty pics and knitting instructions. We don't know which is worse.

Have a glorious fall week, everybody!

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • African Spoonbill  by Willem.
  • Sad remains of a car.



  • Everybody in New York City is wearing a DG hat.
  • A displaced shrew.

  • Create September

  • All God's creatures got a place in the choir.
    Tell us about your music-making experiences.


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