Moment for Peace: Somebody's Darling

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The Doomsday Clock is at two and a half minutes to midnight. It's really time to think about peace.

Moment for Peace: Somebody's Darling

Do you know the old song, Somebody's Darling? Give it a listen when you have time. It should make us all thoughtful. That song comes from the US Civil War. 600,000 people died because politics, diplomacy, and human nature failed. And every one of them was somebody's darling.

The last time Congressional and public gridlock got so bad in the United States, they tore up half the country's railroad tracks and committed mass murder. Let's hope cooler heads prevail in the nuclear age.

The other week, while I was searching for images to help middle schoolers understand why the Compromise of 1850 (don't ask) didn't prevent the Civil War, I accidentally stumbled across this memento belonging to a grieving mother during the 1861-1865 debacle. It consists of a lock of golden hair, a childhood photo, and this sad message:

My beloved son Carl taken from me on April 1, 1865, at age 18, killed at Dinwiddie. Flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
Carl, who died in 1865.

By the way, Carl died eight days before the surrender at Appomattox.

There's a Christmas song that was written during the Cuban Missile Crisis. It has a line that goes, 'Pray for peace, people everywhere.'

Dmitri Gheorgheni Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

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