The Post Quiz - Devils and Demons, Oh, My: Answers

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Devils and Demons, Oh, My: Answers

Here are the demons. Look for them under your bed.

  1. It's 'kangaroo-shaped', has bat wings, claws and hooves, and hangs around the Pine Barrens. Sightings date back 300 years, remarkable for North America. (New) Jersey Devil.
  2. This guy's the headless horseman of Ireland. He calls out the names of those who die, and hangs out with banshees, a bad lot. Dullahan.
  3. He's a good-looking devil, but he limps. Asmodeus.
  4. Speaking of good-looking: guys, you want to keep this demon away from your gf. It pitches woo in the night. Incubus.
  5. His name – 'Lord of the Flies' – is probably just a bad pun in Hebrew. Beelzebub.
  6. She's Celtic, she's usually an old lady, and she can seriously mess with your weather. Cailleach.
  7. Shapeshifters are common enough. Some are demons, others just people with superpowers. This one's Navajo. Skin-Walker.
  8. If a Boston Researcher gets snowbound too long and tries to eat you, he may be possessed by one of these Algonquian cannibal entities. Wendigo. (No, he's not a kind of RV. That's Winnebago.)
  9. The Lithuanian leprechaun, this fella brings good things in the form of 'lifetime supplies' of what you need. (Lithuanians aren't judgemental about the supernatural.) Kaukas.
  10. This Xhosa demon gets on the good side of women by offering to do housework in return for sexual favours. Beware! Tikoloshe.

If you knew this lot, better keep your exorcist on speed dial.

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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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