The Post Quiz - Travel Then and Now: Answers

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You should have turned left at Albuquerque.

Travel Then and Now: Answers

The world is both larger and stranger than you think. Did you know there was a kingdom in Europe that's only 5km2? It's called Tavolara, and its 'king' runs a restaurant.

Here are the answers.

  1. British Somaliland
  2. Kouang-Tchéou-Wan
  3. Trucial Coast
  4. Upper Volta
  5. Khiva, Russian Empire
  6. Kingdom of Montenegro
  7. New Hebrides Condominium
  8. Ellice Islands
  9. Neutral Moresnet
  10. Ubangi-Shari
  1. Somalia
  2. Zhanjiang, China
  3. United Arab Emirates
  4. Burkina Faso
  5. Uzbekistan
  6. Republic of Montenegro
  7. Vanuatu
  8. Tuvalu
  9. Kelmis, Belgium
  10. Central African Republic

Now, if you get that time machine to work, you're ready to travel. Say hello to the king of Tavolara for us.

An old map depicting an island and a large X marking a spot.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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