#16: Nyala

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This photo comes from the h2g2 Post's collection of submissions to Create's November project. We'll be posting a photo a day for the month of November.


Nyala by Willem.

If you're not sure what a nyala is, go read Willem's Colours of Wildlife entry on the subject. This is one Willem got to see close up and personal on his walk last weekend. What a beautiful place he lives in. Willem writes:

The name is pronounced 'nnn-yala' rather than 'ny-ala', and comes from the Zulu 'inxala' (which is even harder to pronounce). They're closely related to Kudus and other spiral-horned antelopes. Nyalas are not particularly common, being found only in south-eastern Africa, mainly in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa. They inhabit varied landscapes with trees, shrubs and small patches of grass, and with open drinking water available. Nyalas rarely stray far from cover during the day, but go out onto more open areas to graze in the evening and night.

Enjoy the picture. Now, go and practice saying 'nnn-yala' so you can show off to your friends.

Pics from a Small Planet Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni


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