Amy P's 2017 NaJoPoMo

30 Conversations

This year's NaJo will be a travelogue of my trip to the UK this summer, with some behind-the-scenes stuff thrown in to stretch a 19 day trip over 31 days of tellingsmiley - winkeye

Trip photos can be found here.

Day 1: Plans1

Day 2: Trip Logistics

Day 3: Plans made on and off h2g2

Day 4: Plans

Day 5: Travel sundries and phone woes

Day 6: Last minute prep

Day 7: The last day before the trip2

Day 8: Flights

Day 9: "It's very green, and everything's made of brick."

Day 10: The daytime portion of the London Meet

Day 11: The evening portion of the London Meet

Day 12: A busy, long, fun day

Day 13: Gardens and palaces and inflatable robots, oh, my!

Day 14: I don't get lost in London

Day 15: Changing hosts

Day 16: Traveling, talking, and 2legs

Day 17: Water, water everywhere, but delayed wifi

Day 18: Manchester Meet, and a new friend

Day 19: The day after the meet

Day 20: Traveling and talking make for a good day, but a short entry

Day 21: Lincoln

Day 22:York and traveling

Day 23:Day 1 of the Scottish Roadtrip

Day 24: Day 2 of the Scottish Roadtrip

Day 25: Edinburgh Meet, or, "Edinburgh? In August??"

Day 26: Last full day in the UK

Day 27: Homeward bound

Day 28: Home!

Day 29: Nothing to see here...

Day 30: Gifts and souvenirs

1Mostly NaJo plans, not really trip plans, exactly...2And the last not-yet-travelling NaJo

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