Post Quiz: Fact or Fake? US Version: Answers, Such as They Are

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Fact or Fake? US Version: Answers, Such as They Are

It's getting surreal on your Twitter feed. If you guessed all of these, congrats.

Fact or Fake?

  1. A college in New York City is suing a 32-year-old woman for refusing to move out of her dorm room, although she hasn't been a student for years. Fact. She owes the school a fortune in back rent, and she still hasn't finished her degree.
  2. A church in Pennsylvania held a dedication ceremony for some assault rifles. Fact. Okay, it was the Unification Church.
  3. Delta Airlines announced new discounts for members of the National Rifle Association. Fake. In fact, the airline cancelled the old discounts – and got slapped with new taxes by an outraged Georgia state legislature.
  4. Musicians have released a polka version of the hit tunes from Hamilton. Fact. Okay, it was Weird Al Yankovic…he's a musician…
  5. News channel CNN has purchased an industrial-sized washing machine for 'spinning news'. Fake. But if you fell for it, you weren't the only one. couldn't believe the inquiries this satirical piece sent their way.
  6. The US President's son-in-law has had his security clearance downgraded. Fact. No comment.
  7. In the US state of Iowa, it is legal for blind people to own firearms. Fact. There are no restrictions on blind, legally blind, or otherwise visually impaired persons owning firearms in this state. There is also no record of any such person causing any firearm-related injury.
  8. First Lady Melania Trump refused to enter the White House until an exorcism was performed. Fake. But it was reported on your interwebs.
  9. A US middle school was closed after a sleep-walking student was found inside the building at two in the morning. Fact. The student was sleep-walking and climbed in a window. That isn't the weird part. The part that gets our goat is that the student called 911 (emergency) from inside the school – using a mobile! You can't separate those kids from their phones, even in bed? Incredible.
  10. The US Secretary for Housing and Urban Development bought a $31,000 dining set – and charged taxpayers for it. Fact. Yes, Mr Ben Carson did that. And yes, he's going to send the furniture back.

One of these days, we're going to have to give this up. The line between fact and fiction keeps blurring. But for now, we'll keep doing it as a public service. You need the reality check.

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