Post Quiz - Home-Made Singing: Answers

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Catchy tunes. Just don't burn down the house.

Home-Made Singing: Answers

Did some of these lyrics surprise you, even though you'd listened to the songs over and over? Pop culture is insidious.

  1. And I hear the hungry coyote as he slinks up through the grass

    Round the little old sod shanty on my claim. (Oliver Edwin Murray, 1880)
  2. It's only a shanty

    In old Shanty Town....

    The roof is so slanty it touches the ground.... (Ted Lewis)
  3. I was in the house when the house burned down

    I met the man with the thorny crown

    I helped Him carry his cross through town.... (Warren Zevon)
  4. There is a house in New Orleans,

    They call The Rising Sun.... (Animals, 1964)
  5. Our house, in the middle of our street

    Our house, in the middle of our (something tells you that you've got to move away from it).... (Madness, 1982)
  6. There's a pink one and a green one

    And a blue one and a yellow one

    And they're all made out of ticky-tacky

    And they all look just the same. (Malvina Reynolds, 1962)
  7. A chair is still a chair,

    Even when there's no one sitting there,

    But a chair is not a house.... (Bacharach/David, 1964)
  8. Bless these windows shining bright,

    Letting in God's heavenly light.... (Helen Taylor, 1927)
  9. Ain't got time to oil the hinges

    Nor to mend the windowpane

    Ain't a-gonna need this house no longer

    He's a-gettin' ready to meet the saints. (Stuart Hamblen, 1954)
  10. In my father's house are many mansions,

    Though tonight some make their bed along the street.... (Etheridge et al, 1989)

Go around humming or whistling one of these songs today. Start conversations. Your friends may advise therapy.

A vinyl<br/>
Our house, in the middle….
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