Post Quiz - Flag-Waving Music: Answers

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Flag-Waving Music: Answers

Fourth of July comes but once a year, thank goodness. The pets will calm down after those fireworks eventually. Here are the answers to the quiz.

  1. Neil Diamond's song 'America' celebrates the contribution of immigrants to the United States. It was played at the centennial rededication of the Statue of Liberty. On what occasion was it banned?
    • On radio stations following 9/11. 'They're coming to America' was regarded as unfortunate.
  2. 'Columbia the Gem of the Ocean' was very popular in the 19th Century. It was also played when the Apollo 11 astronauts were recovered at sea. What distinction does it have?
    • It was once considered the unofficial national anthem. Not any harder than 'The Star-Spangled Banner', but not much of an improvement, either.
  3. Who performed the song 'Don't Tread on Me'?
    • Metallica, on their self-titled album. Don't believe us? Here it is, with lyrics.
  4. 'Fanfare for the Common Man' is considered patriotic because of the title, which is taken from a public speech. Who composed it?
    • Aaron Copland. Beautiful. More like this, and we'll stop making mock.
  5. 'God Bless America' was written by Irving Berlin, an immigrant born in Russia. What war prompted this composition?
    • The First World War. It became more popular during the Second.
  6. 'Lift Every Voice and Sing' was composed by Robert Weldon Johnson. What is the song unofficially known as?
    • The African American national anthem. Don't know it? Learn it.
  7. In 'Marching Through Georgia', who was marching through Georgia?
    • William Tecumseh Sherman. (With an army.)
  8. Why does the song 'My Country, 'Tis of Thee' confuse foreigners when it is played and not sung?
    • It has the same tune as 'God Save the Queen'. (No comment. Seriously.)
  9. The song most Americans know as 'the monkey wrapped his tail around the flagpole' is really called…
    • National Emblem. The composer was so frustrated, he threw the score he was composing in the wastebasket. On the train. Much to his surprise, the band retrieved it, learned it, and played it at the next stop. Ain't music grand?
  10. Who wrote 'You're a Grand Old Flag'?
    • George M Cohan, the Broadway hoofer. Also composer of the First World War ditty, 'Over There', and the ever-popular ballad 'Mary's a Grand Old Name'. Which has nothing to do with patriotism, but still.

Cast your vote: Which of these songs should replace 'The Star-Spangled Banner' at sporting events?

Yankee Doodle
The audience will now stand
for Metallica.
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