Farm-Fresh Eggs

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Farm-Fresh Eggs

A carton of farm-fresh eggs.

This probably wouldn't please customers in the grocery. But they would be wrong to turn their noses up at these delicious, farm-fresh eggs, just because of the variety in sizes. The small ones are from the young hens. Their production isn't quite up to peak standard yet. There's the usual 'blue' egg (looks sort of aqua to me) from the fancy chicken. And then there are those huge white ones.

The ducks, besides being voluble and driving the chickens crazy with their quacking all day, are egg-laying fools. They lots of big, tasty eggs.

There's an old German saying that farmers are suspicious about unfamiliar food. This is true around here. Apparently, some of the locals don't know that you can eat duck eggs. So the Hoggetts don't tell them where these yummy eggs they're giving away are coming from – until they rave about how good they are.

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Dmitri Gheorgheni

15.10.18 Front Page

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