Post Quiz: Groundhog Day - Answers

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Post Quiz: Groundhog Day - Answers

Are you ready for Punxsy1? Here are the answers.

  1. What is another name for Groundhog Day?
    • Candlemas They used to bless all the candles for the church year then. They probably still do where they use them. The Post Editor is a Baptist. This Christmas Eve, we switched to electric candles for the service in order to save on rug cleaning.
  2. In terms of the solar calendar, what is Groundhog Day?
    • A cross-quarter day Ask a meteorologist or similar expert. We're still mad about the Phantom Time Hypothesis.
  3. What is the rule about Groundhog Day?
    • If the groundhog sees his shadow, there will be a longer winter. He's alleged to be a scaredy cat. You would be shy, too. Pennsylvania law allows people to shoot groundhogs every day except Sunday. And even then, I'd stay away from the scofflaws at Hoggetts' farm.
  4. How do the town leaders in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania decide what the Groundhog thinks about the coming season?
    • They ask him. There's a lot of whispering. Somebody must speak Groundhog.
  5. What country's emigrants started this insane tradition in the US?
    • Germans Of course, Germans. The other name for groundhog is 'Grundsau'.
  6. What does 'Punxsutawney' mean in English?
    • 'Town of the Sandflies' There's an old Lenape tale, something about a curse. But it's a pretty town. Besides, it's too cold for sandflies in February.
  7. Where was the film Groundhog Day filmed?
    • Woodstock, Illinois An outrage. This place is near Chicago, where the director lived.
  8. Why didn't Bill Murray enjoy filming Groundhog Day?
    • He had to get a rabies shot after being bitten by the groundhog. Although the chance of getting rabies from a groundhog is pretty remote. They do have big teeth and don't like being picked up one little bit.
  9. How long was the main character in Groundhog Day stuck in a temporal loop?
    • 34 years That's way too many mornings to be hearing 'I Got You, Babe'.
  10. Where do groundhogs live?
    • In tunnels. A groundhog tunnel can be 50 feet long and have up to five entrances. Which means part of the neighbour's groundhog's home may, indeed, be under the Post Office. Along with the chipmunk burrow.

Now you are equipped for Groundhog Day. Be sure to get your app, so you'll know what Phil decides.

Hoggetts want an early spring.
Post Quiz and Oddities Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

28.01.19 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Yes, locals refer to the place as 'Punxsy'.

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