Post Quiz: Famous People You've Never Heard Of - Answers

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Post Quiz: Famous People You've Never Heard Of – Answers

Yes, children, these were once household names, somewhere. People in Pennsylvania used to scare kids with the name 'Simon Girty', but it didn't work on us because Mrs Girty, our substitute maths teacher, said he wasn't that bad. Asking her about him was a surefire way to get out of long division. Here are the answers.

  1. Cornelia Africana
  2. Duke Godfrey III of Leuven
  3. Pierre Cambronne
  4. Leonidas
  5. Molly Pitcher
  6. Simon Girty
  7. John Alden
  8. William Tell
  9. Jethro Tull
  10. Bernardo O'Higgins
  1. Ancient Roman political supermom
  2. Alleged original of the Manneken pis
  3. General who said, 'Merde!'
  4. General who said, 'Come and take them [ie, weapons].'
  5. Spur-of-the-moment artillerist
  6. Notorious Pennsylvania frontiersman and 'wild man'
  7. Shy Pilgrim who was told by his girlfriend to 'speak for himself'
  8. Swiss crossbow expert
  9. Famous farmer
  10. Revolutionary from Lima

Who will you be telling your grandchildren about?

A teacher and a child
Priscilla said,
'Speak for yourself, John.'
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