June 2019 Create Challenge: Encounters with Nature

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June 2019 Create Challenge: Encounters with Nature

June Create Challenge by FWR

Birds, Bees, and Anything That Grows or Moves: it's all Nature. What do you know about it? What do you think about it?

  • Are you an avid gardener? Do you engage in competitive marrow growing? Or are you like the Prof, who does his weeding with a blowtorch, and longs to replace his 'lawn' (read: 'weedpatch') with astroturf?
  • Do you spend endless fruitful hours checking off birds from your lifetime list while peering nosily through binoculars at our feathered friends? And then rummaging through bird books to get all the juicy details? Or do you just hope they don't nest in your eaves or decorate your auto?
  • Have you ever actually seen a cow? We mean, like, up close and personal? Could you tell the difference between a baby chicken, a turkey chick, and a duckling? Seriously?
  • Never mind the pious blather about saving the environment: talk's cheap. What, if anything, have you, personally, ever done about it? Do you plan to do anything, ever? Or are you waiting for the interplanetary spacefares to go down so that you can move to a moon with a climate-controlled environment and no gardening chores?

This challenge wants you! Get ready to:

  • Tell us about your encounters with nature: on the hoof, growing out of the ground, large and in-charge, or tender as baby's breath. In the city, out in the countryside, on your windowsill…. Anecdotes welcome.
  • Make up fiction. Write a rant. Post a Guide Entry. Pen a passionate manifesto. Write a poem.
  • Take photos. (We love photos.) Draw, paint, sketch.
  • Make a video! Like this one, only better.

Even if you live aboard the ISS, you're encountering nature in some way, so there's no excuse for missing out on this June challenge!


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