Post Quiz: Nature Is Weird - Answers

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Post Quiz: Nature Is Weird - Answers

Here are the delightful (?) answers to this week's quiz.

  1. Why do baby elephants suck on their trunks?
    • For the same reason human babies do: comfort. (And they look just as cute to their mamas.)
  2. If a female dragonfly is not in the mood, what will she do?
    • Fake her own death. (And they're overactors.)
  3. If you see two giraffes making out (in the zoo or in the wild), what is mostly likely true about them?
    • They're probably gay. (94% of the time.)
  4. Do dogs like music?
    • Yes. They have individual favourite styles. (Researchers claim reggae is popular. We suspect those researchers of being prejudiced, also of smoking ganja.)
  5. What animal's collective noun is 'a conspiracy'?
    • Lemurs. (Do they look sneaky to you?)
  6. How do more than one-half of sloths die in the wild?
    • Killed by predators while defecating so slowly. (They only do it once a week, and it's one-third their body weight.)
  7. What do ferrets have in common with Vulcans?
    • Their females in heat will die if they do not mate. (You guessed that, right? You've figured this quiz out by now.)
  8. How do some male ruffs (it's a bird!) manage to mate successfully?
    • They disguise themselves as females, mate with the males, and go with the females after the other males have left. (Okay, only .5% of them do, but the ruff version of the Kinsey Report must make really interesting reading.)
  9. How does the male orb weaver (a spider, keep up) survive sex?
    • He detaches his penis, leaves it behind in the female, and runs like heck. (Yep. You've definitely got this quiz figured out.)
  10. If you are near africanised bees, and you smell bananas, what should you do?
    • Run like heck. They're about to attack. (That's a not-so-friendly warning.)

Okay, now you know more about nature. When you survive an africanised bee attack, thank us.

Hard-working bumblebee out back of the Post Office.
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