On the Holism of Spider Silk

1 Conversation

Artistic Moon by Dmitri Gheorgheni

On the Holism of Spider Silk

The clouds build and unbuild.

They roll around, blown by the invisible wind.

They mean nothing but water. They are not obligated

To stir human fancy.

It's your own fault if you see a bunny rabbit or a spaceship.

Go away with your imagination and let the clouds be.

They'll irrigate the garden by and by.

A spider spins a web out of its body and its need.

The web is a whole,


Its structure is not evident to the spider, which is ignorant of mathematics.

Go away with your formulas and diagrams and let the spider find its dinner.

The human scribbles fragments on paper.

These are deep and meaningful to the human.

Yet they water no grass and feed no spiders.

Clouds and spiders don't need to know.

They are inextricably bound to the whole.

Maybe it's time to trade in the pencil for something better.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

22.07.19 Front Page

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