Post Quiz: Motorcycle Cinema – Answers

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Post Quiz: Motorcycle Cinema – Answers

Full disclosure: The Editor, who compiled this quiz, can't even tell most cars apart, and wouldn't know how to start a motorcycle. These names and numbers aren't Greek to me. I can read Greek. I got all this information off 'the internet'. Meaning, I raided various online sources.

To prevent spreading Fake News, I consulted Freewayriding, who consented to lend his expertise. Here are the answers with his annotations.

FWR: Obviously bikes are given different designations and names depending on where they're sold, so that may explain some of the ongoing arguments....yes, there are tons of bike geeks and nerds willing to argue over faring styles and engine sounds! (Thankfully not me!).

  1. Daredevil Charlie Chaplin rides a Thor Model M Type IV in this 1914 epic. Mable at the Wheel. FWR: The Thor IV was so named as it was a whopping 4 horse power. The one in the movie was a single cylinder model.
  2. This 1984 classic starred Prince on his 1981 Honda Hondamatic CB400A.Purple Rain. FWR: The dreaded purple rain debate! Arghhh! Most of the wide shots apparently show a different bike to the little 2 speed automatic that Prince used. CM400 vs CB400Hawk auto. Prince couldn't ride a proper bike! Lol also some doubt on the year 1979 vs 1980 models!
  3. Marianne Faithfull (!) was the titular character seated on a 1967 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide. The Girl on a Motorcycle. FWR: Soundtrack dubbed with Norton engine sounds (character learnt to ride on a Norton so they probably had the sound recorded!))
  4. Luciana Paluzzi rocked the BSA Lightning A65-L in this roaring film. Thunderball. FWR: Bill Ivy was the road rider for this and number three. Possibly wore the same wig!
  5. The BSA Lightning A65-L also featured in this intriguing short film.A Child's Guide to Blowing Up a Motor Car.
  6. The 2009 Aprilia RS 125 has a Rotax-Aprilia two-stroke engine. Megan Fox rode one in this 2009 film. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
  7. The 1985 Kawasaki GPZ 900 R did some cool stunts in this film, with Tom Cruise aboard. Top Gun. FWR: GPz900r, the Ninja! Had one, loved it, blew it up! Off for a cry now! (Cool stunts? Top Gun? Really?)
  8. A Yamaha XT 250 and its rider Sylvester Stallone went off-roading in this epic. First Blood. FWR: Another bike dubbed with the wrong engine sounds! XT was a four stroke but those who know, know that sound is a two stroke!
  9. Sadly, a 1977 Kawasaki KZ 1000 is destroyed in this movie, called 'the ultimate revenge tale' by some critics. Mad Max. FWR: Z1 Mad Max , ugly heavy thing, most of us wanted the Zed 9! Australian company did a replica Z1/900 MFP bike a few years back. Megabucks!
  10. This quiz wouldn't be complete without a 1990 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy FLSTF1. A cyborg stole one in this final movie. Terminator 2: Judgment Day .

FWR added: 'Now I need a ride.'

A black and white photograph of a girl on a motorbike.
Girl on a Motorcycle.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni


02.09.19 Front Page

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1Essentially the only brand of motorbike the Editor has actually heard of.

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