Holes in History: The Charcoal Burner

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Holes in History: The Charcoal Burner

Tavaron writes:

First is a coal pile where charcoal was (and sometimes still is) made. Basically wood is covered with soil and set on fire. As little air gets in the wood turns into coal instead of burning completely. This process takes 2-3 weeks.

The two huts were once inhabited by the charcoal burner (small one in the front) and wood workers (larger one in the back). I also have an interior shot of the woodworkers' hut, but it was quite dark. They slept on wooden beds filled with leaves and ferns. in the middle of the room was an open fire on a stone platform where they could cook.

Then there's a picture of a slide built through the forest where they could transport tree trunks out of the forest.

The last picture is a sawmill. As probably everyone knows a large saw powered by water would go up and down in the middle and they moved the tree trunks through it on the upper platform.
At the charcoal burner's, by TavaronAt the charcoal burner's, by TavaronAt the charcoal burner's, by Tavaron
At the charcoal burner's, by TavaronAt the charcoal burner's, by Tavaron
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