The Wonderful Car

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The Wonderful Car

The local high school performed the musical Grease to packed houses. (They had to add seats.) It was a bravura performance and a wonderful time was had by all.

A prominent feature of the show was the protagonist's car, aptly called 'Greased Lightning'. But this was no mere cardboard cutout, oh, no: not with the Hoggett mechanics to help. They bought an old wreck from the junkyard and went to work. One side shows the car as our hero bought it. The other side represents his dream car, lightning bolts and all. Superb paint job.

The show's local run is over, but the car-prop's life goes on. It will be resold. There's another school in another county that's planning to do Grease next. When they're done it with it, they can pass it on. . . The automotive wonder has a theatrical future.

Beat-up side of car.Fancy side of car.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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