Olivardez Spoon

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smiley - crescentmoon

Olivardez Spoon

smiley - ufo

Olivardez of the Moon

Came down to Earth on a spoon

Whilst eating cheese with lettuce leaves and mustard

He missed the landing plate

And had to navigate

His way out of a nearby bowl of custard

The custard although hot

A runway it was not

And Olivardez' spoon went to the bottom

He dug into his pockets

For his anti-custard rockets

And realised to his horror he'd forgot 'em

Well this was not the end

For our lunar spooner friend

For beneath the custard lay a pastry crust

And Olivardez found

That although less firm than ground

It allowed a jump with quite sufficient thrust

Once out upon the table

He met a dish called Mabel

To return with him he didn't need to force her

They finished off the food

So as not to appear rude

Then they jumped aboard a passing flying saucer

It took them to the stars

Via Mercury and Mars

In about the time it takes to boil the kettle

Then had to stop to rest

At their passengers request

Cos they hadn't given dinner time to settle

smiley - earth

smiley - blackcat

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