I've written a story about Marvin (CAC Edition)

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"Life's a waste of time." droned Marvin as he made his way towards Zaphod's living quarters, "Go and fetch Zaphod they say, oh don't mind me I wasn't busy working out the square root of minus one or anything."
The door opened, "It is my pleasure to open for you..." the door closed behind Marvin, "and my satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done."
Marvin sighed, Zaphod was lying on the floor still in his pajamas and had a bottle of vodka in his hand. Marvin neither wondered or cared how Zaphod had managed to get vodka, either way Zaphod was as drunk as a... well nothing in the universe was as drunk as him at the time.
Marvin walked up to him and kicked him. Zaphod groaned and swore. Marvin got bored and walked back to the main deck. The door opened, "It is my satisfaction to open for you," it closed behind him, "and my satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done."
Marvin walked through the door, Trillian looked at him expectantly.
"Where's Zaphod?" she asked.
"He's on the floor in his quarters- drunk... again." answered Marvin misreably.
"Oh, hardly suprising." she whispered to herself.
Marvin walked to the corner and sat down, it was his corner- where he sulked.
Arthur turned to Ford, "Isn't there anything we can do to help him?"
"Arthur, you aren't going soft are you?" asked Ford suspiciously.
"No, it's just, he's always miserable." said Arthur.
Marvin looked up and said, "And you've only just noticed?"
Arthur stuck his tonge out at Marvin, Marvin ignored him.
Zaphod walked into the room, drunk as a very drunk thing and collapsed... on the improbability drive. Marvin sighed and said, "Here we go again."
The heart of gold flew off into somewhere in space ready for another very dull and miserable adventure.

Author's Note:

By the way, I'm only 12 and I don't know much about what you can have as a guide entry so I'd love some ideas on what I could use in the future. I like writing stories so excpect to see a few more in the near or very far future.

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Infinite Improbability Drive

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