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hey i was just sitting here thinking about how silly the english language is. i mean take some of the words in it, skiplunking... who the hell knows what that is? i do its cave diving, but did u know that? also, boondoggle, to work lazily, triskidecaphobia, fear of the number 13, and dendrophilia, a person who has intimate relations with trees. now i realise i see things kinda screwed up but surely these words are pointless? i mean how often are you walking down the street and think, "i really must get over my triskidecaphobia!" or wake up one morning and say "why i fancy a spot of skiplunking this afternoon!" i mean really how would you use boondoggle in normal conversation? "will you stop boondoggling???" "im a boondoggler!" its just nuts! and the fact that most of it is derived from other languages such as roman and greek... i can barely speak french!

but i have an idea. if we all band together we can find uses for real words, invent our own and eventually this will be a place where we can all say, my language is a funny thing.



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