33 Conversations

The purpose of this Entry is to provide a Zone for Researchers to inform each other of their free time and movements so that they can hopefully find out when and where all or some of them can meet up in the future with the minimum of inconvenience to enjoy each other's company out there in the real world.

I imagine this turning out to be a treasure-hunt way of meeting up; something like the park scene in Amelie...



Some of us h2g2ers are intimidated by massive stomping parties (cf. A672095); were we to become aware of convergence in our routes, some of us would IMHO enjoy a simple stroll and chat.

I confess that I flap my<towel>occasionally to draw other h2g2ers out of hiding!

Needless to say, if this idea works and people start co-ordinating their own Meets and Mini-meets, BE CAREFUL; tell people where you're going and how long you'll be. Stick to well-lit public places and keep an eye on your drink.

Having said that, this could become one of the best Zones on H2G2!

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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