The Aire of Mystery or Disappointment is in the Air

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Have you ever looked through the telly programme listings and found something that you looked forward to for a week, only to tape or to sit down and watch the damned thing and find out that the answers to the question that the programme title and promos promised you were still swimming around in the limbo of the lost once the final credits rolled?

I think that adults who pretend to make informative programming should be forced to actually bring forth what they advertise or be forced to eat the raw footage.

What is wrong with just leaving well enough alone?

Why can't these puckyheads just say,"Well, here's one thing we just don't know the answer to, let alone the real question, so that's that"?

Here's a question for you. What color was Jesuses hair?

Think about that for a short moment. Now, sing along with me, second verse same as the first: WHO CARES?

Here's another question for you. How many disaffected ying-yangs found that the local established religion didn't have any room for them in it's mythology and went off and started their own franchise that turned around and called the original group apostates and claimed that the new "prophet" was much better tasting and longer-lasting and less fattening than the old "false" prophets?
Think about that for a long moment. Now, sing along with me, third verse SOS: MORE THAN WE CARE TO KNOW!

Bill Cosby used to have a routine that asked "Why is there air?"
He was speaking as a former college student and his answers to this elemental question were posed as coming from various majors, such as those in Philosophy, Meteorology, and most significantly, Physical Education, or P.E.

The P.E. major's answer was, "So we can fill up footballs and basketballs."

This is a very important concept in my thesis. Study that answer for a long time. Paste it to your shaving mirror. Insert in in your holy text. Whistle it on your way to work. HAVE IT TATTOOED INSIDE YOUR EYELIDS!

Most modern mystery cults are based on that kind of backwards unthinking. Unthinking is the ability to erase rational thought or make it almost impossible by squeezing your brain into a tiny little box of ideas and refusing to let the farts out or the light in.

Let me give you an example: Why do white people exist?

Think about that for a moment.

Here are three possible answers:

1. Because of a gene mutation somewhere back in the long reaches of time.

2. To rule the earth and make non-whites feel like pucky.

3. To irritate the coloreds until they rise up and teach whitey who's really boss!

Backwards unthinking pretty much is happy with either 2 or 3. Number one is just too too unmysterious and doesn't fit in with anyone's social agenda. So, let's forget it and go back to watching futbol on the telly.

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