the psychiatrists office

13 Conversations

Welcome to the psychiatrists officesmiley - help yourself to smiley - and smiley - from the newly installed drinks machine! smiley -


You walk into a large sunlit office in the center is a long sofa. In a corner is a lava lamp

Lava Lamp

WELCOMEplease sit in the waiting room and the doctor will see you A.S.A.P
no appointments necessary
"can those of us with multiple personalities please ask them all to behave"
tea and cake is charged along with your consultation fee

At one side there is a desk and sitting behind it is a person you have never known, but for some reason you feel happy talking to. On the other side of the room, hanging on the wall is a sign saying: " could those of you requiring more help please make your way to
The Asylum

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