What do the Gurus do?

5 Conversations

Gurus' Home Page | Why be a Guru? | What do the Gurus do? | Gurus' Code of Conduct | Volunteer to be a Guru

It's worth noting at the outset that being a Guru does not tie you down to any specific obligations - that would go against the whole nature of h2g2. We just hope that you like the site enough to help out in your spare time, and we don't mind how much or how little you do (though if you nothing for ages we reserve the right to revoke the title - details can be found in the Gurus' Code of Conduct).

We will never force you to do anything, we'll just ask nicely. Everything you do must be because you want to help out with the development of h2g2. There may be added incentives in the future, but for now this is strictly a voluntary scheme. If you ever think we are expecting too much, let us know, and we'll give ourselves 200 Hail Marys and promise never to do it again.

What being a Guru Entails

First, you should familiarise yourself with the contents of the Don't Panic FAQ. This answers most of the questions that Researchers ask on site, and if you know the FAQ inside out, you'll make an excellent Guru. Next, you should familiarise yourself with the structure of the Feedback Forum, which is the main haunt of the Gurus.

The Gurus are the front line in answering questions on h2g2, and so the best place to be to help the Community is to hang out at h2g2 Support Central. This account is subscribed to all the Feedback forums, and all the other places on h2g2 where (experience tells us) Researchers will ask questions. Just choose the conversations on the page that you can answer. If there are few or no conversations, it’s because one of the team has unsubscribed the account to all the questions that have been answered.

Of course, you can reply to questions anywhere on h2g2, but h2g2 Support covers the most important places to check out.

We’d also like Gurus to comment in Feature Suggestions as much as possible. When a member of the Community comes up with a good idea, we’d like to know what other Researchers think. So the more the merrier.

A couple of pages that aren’t covered by h2g2 Support, but are still worth looking into from time to time are:

You can find answers to most questions in the following places. If you have a question which doesn't have an answer in the Don't Panic FAQ, then please let us know, and we'll arrange for the FAQ to be updated. We'll also answer the question, so you can post the official reply.

And that's it - it couldn't be simpler!

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