As if one more researcher wasn't enough...

Wow! Haven't updated this page in a while. Patrick has been one busy boy!

For starters, I'm in a production of Alice in Wonderland here in Portland, OR, where I play the March Hare. It's playing at the Northwest Children's Theatre Company, which is a company known as much for putting on abominably long shows as it is for putting up extremely high quality ones. This Alice is no exception: really good, but really, really long. Over two-and-a-half hours long. It's not a good feeling to look out into the audience at curtain call, and amidst the applause to see all these blank stares coming back to meet you. Very frightening. After the end of the run, which is May 28th, I go on to play Duke Solinus and Pinch in The Comedy of Errors, for Portland Actors Ensemble's Shakespeare in the Parks series. I've done Shakespeare in the Parks here before, two years ago, when they put on The Tempest. I played Sebastian, and it was one of the funnest times doing Theatre that I've ever had. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to doing it again.

I'm moving to Ashland in the Fall to go back to college. I'm hoping to get my Bachelor's degree in English with a Theatre minor from Southern Oregon University. It's been a dickens of a time trying to get financial aid, get accepted into the school, get into the dorms, wonder about whether or not I can transfer to another Starbucks installation and work part time, and on and on and on... However, I am also very excited: I had promised myself I would go back to college, and here I am doing it in spite of what others say about people who drop out never going back. Plus, I'll be getting my degree in two things I really love. Who knows... Maybe I'll even be able to make a living at them! :-)

I was promoted to Shift Supervisor at my work in March (which was, coincidentally, also the time of my 24th birthday), and have been enjoying the extra money that brings in, as well as being able to boss people around and feel generally self-important. ;-) Seriously, though, it was tough going at first, what with my rehearsal schedule, and people not used to me running the floor and handling the cash safe and such, but it's been getting steadily easier as the weeks go by.

I'm also seeing someone now. (Fanfare! Cheering! Presentation of the key to the city!) Her name is Carol Ann, and she is a Stage Manager in town. We've been out on three dates so far, and am not going to bother you with the gruesome details... (My GOD I'm evil!) Rather, I'll leave them for another update. Tee hee hee...

End of transmission. Long live the Non-Euclideans, and their never- ending struggle against the dustmites.


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