Ey Up Chuck

Welcome to my world

...Take off your shoes and make yourself at home...Congratulations your at the best place in town

Hello and welcome to my Personal Space

Please have a drink of the champers take a good long look at the swirls. Now that your feeling sleepy, very sleepy lend us a tenner
Don't look at the swirls
I'm 23 years old and work at the Gas Board in Leeds, for me its deffo- i work to live not live to work!

These are my hobbies:

  1. Drinking
  2. Clubbing and Pubbing
  3. Writing in Chatrooms while working
  4. Partys
  5. Knitting
  6. Flower Arranging
Maybe not knitting and flower arranging (well not for another 60 years anyway)

My Weapon of Choice

You can probably find me Drinking in the Theme thread, losing at TBAG or picking on the boys in the playground
I have now become a ----->

A little sommat about me

Right where do i start...erm...my names Nikki well Nicola really but i never get called that unless i'm in bother, most people call me Nik but you can call me what ever you like, my nickname naughtinik came from my friends calling me it (i tend to get a tad mischievous especially after a few drinks)

I only found this ace place a couple of months ago when the MB i regulary posted on got shut down by the fatcats at BBC but i'm glad i got here in the end i love it! Where else can you talk drivel all day while drinking at a FREE bar.smiley - cheers

I lives in Leeds and have done for the last 18 months before settling in Leeds i lived all over Wakefield, Halifax, nr Liverpool, Rhodes and Spain. I started work at British Gas cos i'm really quite lazy and my flat is right next door, it takes me 3 1/2 minutes to walk to work, have been here for a year now and have just got a promotion which should mean more time to play on here.

I'm a proper HooToo'er now

See What Mischief is happening hereChilling in the playgroundGetting Sticky at the Seedy DiscoSneaky Deakie's PageSpit's PageA crazy Duck's PageA Chromey Covered Clone's PageMorty the Stalkers PageDDD's Land Rover Page

Axe in Head

Becareful Morty

or this could be you

A mad memmber of C.H.E.E.S.E.
smiley - silly
Join Here
I am chief Jacket Potato Assassin

smiley - smiley - bigeyessmiley - biggrinsmiley - bluesmiley - blushsmiley - bravesmiley - bruisedsmiley - brokenheartsmiley - cheerupsmiley - coolsmiley - crosssmiley - dohsmiley - envysmiley - ermsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - flusteredsmiley - groansmiley - grovelsmiley - grrsmiley - headhurtssmiley - huhsmiley - illsmiley - injuredsmiley - lovesmiley - loveblushsmiley - online2longsmiley - sadfacesmiley - sillysmiley - sleepysmiley - sorrysmiley - steamsmiley - tasmiley - tongueoutsmiley - wahsmiley - weirdsmiley - winkeyesmiley - wowsmiley - yikessmiley - yuksmiley - zensmiley - applausesmiley - boingsmiley - brrsmiley - cdoublesmiley - cheerssmiley - cuddlesmiley - crysmiley - droolsmiley - eurekasmiley - flyhismiley - footinmouthsmiley - goodlucksmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - laughsmiley - nahnahsmiley - oksmiley - puffsmiley - roflsmiley - runsmiley - smoochsmiley - somersaultsmiley - ticklesmiley - whistlesmiley - yawnsmiley - zzzsmiley - smiley - bigeyessmiley - biggrinsmiley - bluesmiley - blushsmiley - bravesmiley - bruisedsmiley - brokenheartsmiley - cheerupsmiley - coolsmiley - crosssmiley - dohsmiley - envysmiley - ermsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - flusteredsmiley - groansmiley - grovelsmiley - grrsmiley - headhurtssmiley - huhsmiley - illsmiley - injuredsmiley - lovesmiley - loveblushsmiley - online2longsmiley - sadfacesmiley - sillysmiley - sleepysmiley - sorrysmiley - steamsmiley - tasmiley - tongueoutsmiley - wahsmiley - weirdsmiley - winkeyesmiley - wowsmiley - yikessmiley - yuksmiley - zensmiley - applausesmiley - boingsmiley - brrsmiley - cdoublesmiley - cheerssmiley - cuddlesmiley - crysmiley - droolsmiley - eurekasmiley - flyhismiley - footinmouthsmiley - goodlucksmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - laughsmiley - nahnahsmiley - oksmiley - puffsmiley - roflsmiley - runsmiley - smoochsmiley - somersaultsmiley - ticklesmiley - whistlesmiley - yawnsmiley - zzz
smiley -
smiley -
The Campaign for New Smileys
smiley -
smiley -
This is my camel CedricThis is Cilla looking a tad ropey!!!!
These are my camels!! There isn't a camel smiley yet but i'm working on it.Visit the badge above and vote for a camel smiley

...Goodbye and please shut the door on your way out...


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