What are the three dangers of the fireswamp?

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I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?

Do you always begin conversations this way?

Warmest Greetings to you lovely people!

Well, they let me loose at the keyboard again, so the world had best beware, lest I begin to exude in strange and interesting ways!

So, let's swirl the prospector's sieve and delve for little nuggets of intellectual gold shall we? Or not perhaps; Intelligence is fun, but naievety requires far less effort! So, strap yourself in, it could make for a bumpy ride!

Anyway, if you wanted to know a little bit more about me (Be quiet at the back there) here are a few of my current inspirations...

Chasing The Muse

Tolkien and Tea (Earl Grey, preferably), Film and High Fantasy 1, Iain Banks, Clive Barker and Richard Bach, Poetry, Philosophy and Pre-Raphaelite Art, Role Playing (Geek Quotient up ten points there...),Tori Amos, Loreena McKennitt, Sarah McLachlan and Alanis Morissette. 2

Deep and meaningful conversations (The type fuelled by copious amounts of alcohol at 3 AM..), Friends (The US Sitcom), Friends (The Real Thing) 3, Ally McBeal (Should I worry that I identify with that program?) Humour, Passion, Peace and Power 4, Love, Romance, Adventure and Affection, Taoism (Of the Pooh-Bear variety), Paganism, Mysticism and Magic, Writing and Inspiration, Mythology and Legend, The Ocean, Music, Vegetarianism, Wolves, Nature and Faeries.

1Is there such a thing as low fantasy? Ah yes, real life, silly me!2Or generally anything involving confessional, heart-rending lyrics and female singer/songwriters!3Nothing beats them, because they are good at escaping...4Don't you just love alliteration?

So, there we are, no facial hair to speak of though, and my sandal collection is non-existant, so I'll only fit comfortably into the 'Hippy' camp if you hit me with a large hammer, and you wouldn't want to do that, would you?


Musical Links

  • Tori Amos- A remarkable singer and songwriter, with some of the most beautiful music and lyrics I have ever heard. This is really very deep, moving and powerful stuff. The best and most up to date online Tori resource can be found at a place called 'The Dent', go have a peek! There is also a Tori Article on h2g2.
  • Alanis Morissette - Of course, everyone has heard of Alanis, and generally, people either love her or hate her.. Well, I fall into the former category, and her latest album is, IMHO, just phenomenal. Her official website has been put together in a very interesting way as well, even if you don't like her music! I have written a more lengthy Alanis Article on h2g2.
  • Loreena McKennitt - Following my love of some more obscure types of music, I happened across this a while ago. It is very hard to describe, but she travels extensively across Europe and the East on a fairly regular basis, keeping a journal, which she then turns into some of the most haunting and musically layered, culturally inspired pieces I have heard. She outputs all of it through her own record company as well.
  • Literary Links

  • Clive Barker - A simply magnificent writer, who's command of the arts of prose, language and storytelling I have seldom seen matched. If you like tales of the fantastique, I would strongly urge you to read some of his work. His official site is linked to above, but there are some fascinating Revelations here.
  • Iain Banks - What Clive Barker does for Fantasy/Horror, I think Iain Banks does for Sci-Fi and the Surreal. A writer with a real grasp of the alternative slant, he writes under that name for his 'Earthbound' novels, and under the pseudonym Iain M. Banks for his sci-fi work. Very good it is too, and the novels assume a high level of intelligence on the part of the readers. There aren't many sites on him, but the one above is pretty good.
  • Richard Bach - A writer of an altogether different type to the above two, RIchard Bach is an American pilot, who then got into writing Spiritual books, which I believe still remain some of the best in the world, mainly because of his ability to distill lofty ideas down to a level where the concepts are very easy to grasp and put into practice.
And Pieces


  • Roguelike Games - Now, what do you think would be so appealing about a small '@' sign chasing letters around a screen? If you don't know, you should check out this site; It might surprise you to know that 'Diablo' was based on these games. The best page to keep up to date with such things is 'Roguelike News', be warned, they are addictive!
  • Role-Playing Games - FAR, FAR more information on the Internet than I can even BEGIN to list here, but the link above is a good start. If you are particularly interested in free RPG's, look no further than Uncle Bear's site, it is rather splendid!
  • Planescape:Torment - Way too much of my time is being taken up trying to get further on this game at the moment! The link above has all sorts of hints and walkthroughs on it, very handy indeed!
  • Miscellaneous

  • Movie Mistakes - If like me, you spend far more time than is healthy in darkened rooms, gazing at images moving at 24 frames a second, you might be interested to know that this site shows all of those lovely continuity errors! Well worth a look, a good chuckle it is...
  • Desktop Themes - I am a bit of a fan of Pre-Raphaelite art, and wanted to bring some to my PC desktop. Having trawled around a number of different sites, I think that this one is about the best, so with just that, and a copy of Plus! you can overpaint those virtual magnolia walls!
  • Mark Thomas - This man is the bane of politicians and mega-corporations all over our green and pleasant land. His anarchic stunts and unique interviewing skills make for some very interesting viewing. Check out the website to see whn the TV program is on, and give it a chance.
  • Amnesty International - The human rights charity that I support, they work in dozens of countries across the world to bring greater attention to human rights and the violation of them by corrupt individuals, governments and regimes.
  • The Princess Bride - Wondering what the quotes are at the top of this page? This is a link to one of the greatest movies ever made. There are is also a Princess Bride Article on h2g2, and more Princess bride Quotes here.

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Contacting Me

Well, you can, of course reach me here at my humble home page, or alternatively, if you want to truly grasp the reins of chance, you could Email me or contact me on ICQ my number is: 29543836.

See you around!


P.S. The answer to the entry question is:

1. The Flame Spurts.
2. The Lightning Sand.
3. The Rodents of Unusual Size.

P.P.S. I am currently trying to get to grips with the joys of GuideML..5

FastCounter by bCentral
have gone before you into that great, good night!
1Is there such a thing as low fantasy? Ah yes, real life, silly me!2Or generally anything involving confessional, heart-rending lyrics and female singer/songwriters!3Nothing beats them, because they are good at escaping...4Don't you just love alliteration? 5But it currently has me in an uncomfortable headlock...


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