Who are you and why are you reading this?!

I am just ever so curious about who in the world might find themselves reading these words, as I at this point have no idea how this collective operates and where this bit of information might appear.

Having said that, I shall now try to bore you as swiftly and economically as possible with my personal details. My name is George and I am an animator/writer/artist and devourer of Indian food in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. I am 34, tall, gangly, married to an amazingly unfortunate but longsuffering woman of sublime beauty and inspiration, father of one boy (2, Zane) and one embroyo whose vital statistics, apart from being active in Mama's belly and prone to causing great whooping bouts of nausea (in said Mama, not myself, at least not directly) are yet to be announced.

I began reading HHGG books and subsequent works of Douglas Adams sometime around 1987 and find that the effects are still finding new ways of revealing themselves in my everyday life and art. I am thrilled to have discovered this resource and am giddy at the idea that something like the HHGG has, in fact, and rightfully so, become a reality. I shall be pleased to offer my input as the opportunity arises, and being one of no lack of opinions, I suspect the opportunity shall arise with some fair regularity.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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