Time again to update (1/2/2002) the internet with full but very slow access to the WWW has now come to my corner of the world :-) However, I will be leaving here by the end of the month for another job in The Kyrgyz Republic (central asia boarder with china). Time to update this entry. Well the thing is I have been away for a little while, travelling again. Would you believe it I end up in a place with no WWW connection without haveing to phone to the capital city over bad phone lines. Yes such a place does exist :-(. It is called Dashoguz and is in the far north of Turkmenistan. The lonely planet guide describes it as a place for passing through and not stoping. The town is the dullest place on earth and has warning signs as you leave warning the traveller not to go to close of the edge of the world or they might fall off. The edge of the world only being 5 km south of the town. It sounds like hell and with max temp of 40+ in summer and - 20 in winter you might think so. But, yes there is a but, the people who live there are some of the nicest I have met in all my travels. I have a team of local people working with me and they are just great. The researchers for the lonely planet must have had a bad time in Dashoguz and I can see why they wrote what they did. However, when you live there you can enjoy it. Previous rambellings: Not wanting to boast and in a modest sort of way I have been to about 35 countries. I have lived and worked in nine of them. The most difficult being North Korea and amongst the best were Nepal (VSO) and Sierra Leone (WaterAid). I hate traveling but love living in other communities. I work in development as a water and sanitation "expert". Just read a book to become an expert anyone can do it. I love my wife and daughter who travel with me. My principal in life is to do what you enjoy and read the "peter principal".


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