Gordon, scruffy Irish guy

Version: 3.12<BR/>
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Well I'm currently 25, I live in Dublin, because you can get jobs here, admittedly mostly in call centres. Please never work in a call centre. It's worse than you think, and no you can't put up with it "for now". I lived in Scotland for a while, where I went to The University of Stirling and The University of St Andrews www.st-andrews.ac.uk , where I joined tech nemed www.st-and.ac.uk/~caledon/households/tech.html (part of their SCA), which was great. Probably the very best bit of St Andrews, definitely better than golf and the lack of a train station.

I mostly did Philosophy (www.stir.ac.uk/departments/arts/philosophy/)
because I thought it was more important that something be interesting than useful. True this this principle I am still fairly useless. I wrote my dissertation on the Hitch Hikers Guide,it was for English Literature and was not well recieved as I only had six books in the bibliography. In the end I did a one year computer postgrad (www.cs.stir.ac.uk/~sbj/it-leaflet.html) which is possibly as much fun as it sounds. I think it could stand to be two years.

I like roleplaying games, although I haven't been in one for about two years. People just dont seem to do it anymore, a practice which is backed up by the shops who no longer sell more than half a shelf's worth of roleplaying books, if that. I really like Science Fiction, especially Asimov. Of course I like Buffy too

I don't see as much point in going out to pubs as most of my friends do, my opinion is that pretty much anything good you can do in a pub, you can do as easily at a friend's flat. I'm not a goth

Goffcode ,


I go to a club called Dominion on Saturdays, sometimes, when I'm not too lazy. It's fairly good, it's alot smaller than some other clubs I've been to but it has atmosphere, good music, but too many people to make it worth learning names, plus of course the dancing.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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