Kidsturk's Home Page


I'm Kidsturk, or Stuart Bridgett in the slightly more real world.

I had an intro to my page in the past that I would have described at the time as being 'spunky', and possibly even 'sassy'. I read it through after a while, and came to the conclusion that whoever wrote it was a bit unhinged. This is the less unhinged version.

I've just finished being a student at Warwick University, I'm 22 and heavily unemployed. Incidentally, if anyone knows of a job they've got going anywhere, I've got a 2:1 BSc (Hons) in Engineering Design and Appropriate Technology, which means that I can design stuff, and talk at length about third world development and renewable energy.

Sorry about that. I've rather gotten into the habit of selling myself at every opportunity. I promise not to do it again.

I come from the Isle of Wight, and it is to there I have returned after finishing university rather...unexpectedly. I've cursed the place in the past for being dull and, well, dull. If somewhere is stupifying dull, it gets difficult to use exciting adjectives to describe it without feeling verbose.

For two of the three years at university, I lived in Leamington Spa. The past academic *ahem* year, I lived above a pub, which I viewed as something of a challenge. Rather unexpectedly I found something rather distasteful about having a pub within collapsing distance of my front door, so I only really started drinking there during the exam period, when time was at a premium and the walk into town would've taken too long*.

I'm interested in all sorts of stuff, anything and everything really, and so I'll be writing articles on a very strange spectrum of subjects. That is, when I actually get round to it, if I can remember everything I meant in the first place and it all comes together nicely on the page all at once.

This doesn't strike me as being terrifically likely, but it's happened a couple of times already, so we'll see how things go.

Enjoy this and if you desperately want to know more about me, then off you go:Stuart Bridgett

*This may also account for my excellent exam results, but please do not hold this researcher responsible for any similar experiments.


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