Merry Greetings To All Ye Who Enter Here

Wow, I've finally got a page to call my own..... and screw up royally when I find that I don't know how to do any of this stuff after all. Oh well, its something to do when I get free time at uni I guess.....
I'm slowly learning how to make interesting things happen here. I havent quite mastered pictures yet. Once some appear, you'll know I've done it.
Bye for now then.

Ebany xxx

Here are some of my friends:

TechnicolorYawn - Who introduced me to all this, so its only fair I give him a mention.
MrP**shead - My boyfriend. He's a nice boy really.
Isambard Fortisque StJohn Smithe - He lets me plait his hair. Isn't that nice of him.
Frogspawn - Another friend of mine, who knows far too much about my extensive sexual practices.
Spotty Dog - Frogspawns other half and rather scary.

I'm also a member of H.R.A.S.C., so no swimming cotumes, bikinis, speedos or anything of the sort are permitted to be worn here. I like to see it all free and safe from sharks, which may have come inland........ they MIGHT!!!!!

Hmm, what else about me...... I support the Sheffield Steelers Ice Hockey team and am totally thrilled at the way things have been going lately. 12 game winning streak, and only one game lost all season. Its going well! And they've been good enough to sign the quite definitely appealing Warren Norris (shame about the name) who is my selected player for this season. Sadly I heard rumour that he'd managed to get his nose broken. Oops. Hope they keep up the good....... well, everything really!

I got this piccy suggested to me by TechicolorYawn, cause he knows I'm Pokemon crazy, cause Pikachu is sooooooooo sweet.

I saw the movie in the holidays (along with all the 6-year-olds) and thought it was great, even if I did get funny looks from the people at the cinema!
I think that Togepi has to be my current favourite though, just for being so incredibly adorable, but then, it is only a baby!

I've been following Technicolor around again, he's led me to this great place called Pyroto Mountain where me, him, and Isambard too are all trying to be better wizards than the others. I'm in last place right now, but I've only been on for about 3 days. I'm doing OK, at level 30 now. Sounds good until you hear theres 512 levels. Oh well, keep climbing I guess.

As usual I'm finding easy ways to earn money. Currently, using TheMail is a pretty pants one. This is a normal e-mail website (like hotmail etc) just you earn money for reading your normal e-mails. And you can get free funny things too. I've earned $0.58 so far, in about 3 months - not exactly a get rich quick plan.

Just cause I'm bored and want to add a new link, heres one to the site for one of my favourite authors. She's great. Does fantasy, for anyone who would like to know. here it is: Tamora Pierce's Web Site

Why not play Brad the game, its wonderful for whiling away those long dull hours.

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